3:05 pm CET
Yesterday Matt, a Hungarian guy we don't know, and I--apparently being the only people in the Collegium without places to be for Christmas--were moved to another dorm down the street so our dorm's staff could go home for the holiday. I packed up enough for a few days and bought some food to last, as well, and then we walked the short distance to our home for the weekend.
It's a nice place, but more like a hotel than a dorm, if you ask me. The rooms are big enough for one person, but there are three beds in the room. I can't imagine how cramped it would be if three people had to live in here... that would be terrible. We're on the fifth floor and the view is amazing! I can see my own dorm and everything beyond it and, if I go to the other side of the building, I can see across the river into Pest. It's pretty cool; I know I wouldn't mind waking up to that every day.
So yesterday all I did was watch movies and play games and it's looking about the same for today. It's all rainy outside and my desire for chinese food is not great enough to make me go out and find some, so I guess I'll just enjoy some more movies and pretend that I fulfilled my Jewish Christmas obligation.
Anyway, Merry Christmas to everyone who is celebrating. Hopefully your weather isn't as grey as it is here. But maybe that's even more of an excuse to eat, drink, and be merry? Meh. Maybe, haha.
I miss you :(